Access to quality health care is a growing challenge faced by a large no of economically weaker section of our society. NMBT strives to ensure this access through its various initiatives.
Burden of Non Communicable Diseases is growing steadily and Cancer is amongst the highest life threatening disease impacting lives of millions.
With focus on serving the economically most marginalized, NMBT works closely with the Public Hospitals of Mumbai, NGOs, institutions and groups in developing strong service network that ensures encouraging environment for patients seeking treatment for cancer, coming from across the country.
Ensure effective guidance, support and motivation to patients and their care givers seeking Cancer treatment is supported by NMBTs team through Counseling Services across public hospitals of Mumbai. NMBT strives encouraging patients to complete the Cancer treatment process to its logical conclusion and thus increase the survival chances of every cancer patients.
Access to treatment for the common health ailments is equally attained by NMBT through its partner support. Low cost primary healthcare, within reach is the need of a large section of society. NMBT works with its partners to ensure that such services are made available in urban as well as rural areas.
Eye Care has been a key area of investment for us in terms of bringing about significant change in the lives of poorest of poor by offering them the gift of vision. A small cataract surgery, often beyond reach and much beyond their means changes their life for better, helping many get back to their economic activities and domestic roles, helping them to gain back confidence of being independent and above all self respect… NMBTs Eye Support care program continues in association with the partners having clear record of quality eye care services with focus on serving the economically most marginalized people irrespective of their cast, gender and region.

Purpose of education is to attain the evolvement of individual and society. It is imperative that each one gets an opportunity to attain education and become a productive member of Indian society.
With a clear eye on offering an opportunity to the economically most marginalized, NMBT works closely with schools, colleges, institutions, partners and also with parents. Making sure that students who have dropped out or on the verge of dropping are encouraged, supported and guided well to not only to continue their education, but also promote environment positively in shaping their personality through counseling program. Students are offered numerous volunteering opportunities to undertake socially useful activities, and thereby learn life lessons of giving back to society.
Education of children from families affected by Cancer, Chronic Kidney Disease, HIV, is given special attention. Ensure children challenged by Visual Impairedness, and Multiple Disability has always found attention at NMBT.
Click here to download Higher Education Support Project Application Form

Access to quality health care is a growing challenge faced by a large no of economically weaker section of our society. NMBT strives to ensure this access through its various initiatives.
Burden of Non Communicable Diseases is growing steadily and Cancer is amongst the highest life threatening disease impacting lives of millions.
With focus on serving the economically most marginalized, NMBT works closely with the Public Hospitals of Mumbai, NGOs, institutions and groups in developing strong service network that ensures encouraging environment for patients seeking treatment for cancer, coming from across the country.
Ensure effective guidance, support and motivation to patients and their care givers seeking Cancer treatment is supported by NMBTs team through Counseling Services across public hospitals of Mumbai. NMBT strives encouraging patients to complete the Cancer treatment process to its logical conclusion and thus increase the survival chances of every cancer patients.
Access to treatment for the common health ailments is equally attained by NMBT through its partner support. Low cost primary healthcare, within reach is the need of a large section of society. NMBT works with its partners to ensure that such services are made available in urban as well as rural areas.
Disasters are known to take heavy toll on the peoples affected, washing away the efforts put in by the affected by two to three decades. NMBT always puts its best foot forward in responding to the disasters across the country. Be it the Koshi river floods of Bihar, Earthquake at Bhuj of Gujarat, Uttarakahnd Flash floods or drought situation, that was nothing less than a disastrous situation in 2016, NMBT responded to the needs of the local communities ensuring that timely assistance and humanitarian assistance is provided with.

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Email: nmbudhranitrust@yahoo.co.in